B2C e-commerce platform enabling people to buy and sell physical goods, services, and digital products online.

Case Study: Creating a Multi-Vendor E-Commerce Platform that Can Handle One Million Daily Visitors
Challenge: The challenge was to create a multi-vendor e-commerce platform that could handle one million daily visitors. The client's current platform was not able to support such high traffic due to poor server architecture.
Solution: To solve the problem, we developed an auto-scalable server architecture that can handle over one million users and traffic at the lowest cost possible.
Technology: Our solution was built with the latest technologies to ensure it could handle the high traffic volume. We used Flutter on the frontend, which is a popular mobile app development framework, and Laravel on the backend, which is a powerful PHP web application framework. We also utilized the AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS) with auto-scaling to make the system elastic according to load. We also used a fully-managed AWS Relational Database Service (RDS) instance for the PostgreSQL database.
Challenge: The challenge was to create a multi-vendor e-commerce platform that could handle one million daily visitors. The client's current platform was not able to support such high traffic due to poor server architecture.
Solution: To solve the problem, we developed an auto-scalable server architecture that can handle over one million users and traffic at the lowest cost possible.
Technology: Our solution was built with the latest technologies to ensure it could handle the high traffic volume. We used Flutter on the frontend, which is a popular mobile app development framework, and Laravel on the backend, which is a powerful PHP web application framework. We also utilized the AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS) with auto-scaling to make the system elastic according to load. We also used a fully-managed AWS Relational Database Service (RDS) instance for the PostgreSQL database.
Benefits: The new platform allowed the client's e-commerce platform to handle high traffic volume and scale automatically, at a cost-effective price. The client was able to handle the high traffic volume and continue to grow their business without any disruptions. The new platform was built with the latest technologies and was able to handle the traffic volume with ease.
We were able to create a multi-vendor e-commerce platform that could handle one million daily visitors for our client.
Let us handle the heavy traffic for you - contact us today to see how we can take your e-commerce platform to the next level.